Wednesday, April 20, 2016

April, 2016

With the end of the school year approaching, we have several events planned.  Please be sure that you are aware of any special events for your child so they can be prepared; be attire, permission slip, money for field trip, packed lunch, etc.  If you have any questions, please let us know!  Listed are several pieces of information along with upcoming dates.

** We are currently asking for the following donations for this year's field day.  You can drop off/send in this item(s) at any time! 
- sidewalk chalk
- bubbles (any size)
- cookies (any type)
- freeze pops
- bottled water (for volunteers and teachers)

We will be asking for volunteers for field day, a form will come home early May.  We appreciate our volunteers for helping make field day possible!!! To respect our volunteers, please do not attend field day to follow or watch your child.  We ask that any parent/grandparent/guardian that wants to be apart of the day to help out by volunteering!  

** Summer School forms will be coming home soon!  Summer School will be a little different this year.  Summer School will run June 6 - July 1 (4 weeks) and July 11 - August 5 (4 weeks) ONLY on TUESDAY & WEDNESDAY of each of those weeks.  In addition to transportation being provided, breakfast and lunch will also be served.  If you have any questions about Summer School, please contact your child's teacher or CPS office.

** As always, if you have a change in a phone number or address PLEASE inform us of the new information.  It is crucial that we are able to reach you in case of an emergency!  

** Please be aware of dropping off/picking up policies.  The right hand lane is for cars to drop off/pick up (students exiting vehicles).  The right lane is NOT a parking spot, if you need to park and enter the building or wait outside the doors, please park in the parking lot.  The left lane is a 'through' lane.  No child should exit a vehicle when in the left lane.  We need to be sure that we are keeping everyone safe!  Please avoid using your cell phone when dropping off/picking up so the you can give 100% of your attention to the other drivers and students!  Thank you for your cooperation!

** When changing transportation for your child (your child will be picked up after school, needs to ride a bus or a different bus, etc.) you MUST notify the school.  If we do not have a note or message stating the change we cannot send your child home a different way.  If you give a note to a bus driver, please have a second note for the school.  Thank you for your understanding!

** THANK YOU for all that you do! We love spending everyday with your child. However, we know that there are many nights of homework, reading, projects that require YOU!  Your child would not be where they are without your support and guidance!  THANK YOU to all who volunteer; be daily, weekly, or for class parties/field trips.  You help make CPS great!!!

Upcoming Events:
April 22 - MidTerm
April 27 - 2nd Grade Field Trip (3 classes)

May 3 - CCSCO Meeting at CIS, 7:00
May 3 - First Grade Field Trip (5 classes)
May 4 - First Grade Field Trip (5 classes)
May 5 - Pen Pal Field Trip
May 6 - Spring Conferences for Grades K-6 (No School for Kids) 
May 13 - Last Day for BARK
May 16 - BGSU Opera assembly
May 26 - Field Day
May 26 - Field Day and Last Day of School for Students 

August 17 - Folder Pick Up **** We will only have 1 day for folder pick up, rather than a full week like the past
August 22 - Open House
August 24 - First Day of School (grades 1-12), Kindergarten Orientation